Monday, 24 March 2014

One Man's Trash…..

Last Tavern Night one of our good gentles brought along several Rubbermaid totes full of assorted fabric pieces he no longer wanted. Most of it was entirely unsuitable for my kind of sewing: knits, shiny stretchy stuff, synthetics, modern prints, etc. (And truthfully I already have quite a sizeable fabric stash.)

One piece of fabric piqued my interest -- about two meters of heavy diagonally-ribbed pink wool. It must have fallen out of the tote at some point because it was caked with mud in one spot and there were also some suspicious-looking yellowish blotches. I took it home, washed it in hot water and dried it in a hot dryer, and it turned into a lovely, soft, clean, well-fulled piece of material.

Because the fabric was so thick and didn't need any seam finishing I decided to turn it into a very simple poncho-type cloak. Unlike the more familiar open-front cloak, this design allows the wearer to carry objects (or drive) without letting the cold air in. Pink is not a colour which suits everyone, of course, but I'm sure there will be someone who'll want to buy this cloak -- especially at a chilly camping event!
Hood up….

And hood down

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