But first some explanations for my non-SCA friends, especially my cousins in Holland and Australia. Winter War is a big deal for us here. A good war needs a big war field and our fields are frozen and/or covered with snow or mud for about half the year. By this time in the "spring" all our fighters are just itching for a chance to do battle. There's a drill hall in Wetaskiwin, about an hour's driving south of Borealis (Edmonton) that's big enough to accommodate our war scenarios and related activities. And a bonus: people are allowed to "camp" in the hall overnight!
Jodi and Damon and their family came in from Humboldt, Saskatchewan (6 hours driving) just for this event, and I saw many other people there who traveled 3-5 hours. It's only a one-hour drive for us, but Dirk and I drove out on Friday evening to set up and then drove back home again. On Saturday I drove out there in the morning, my friend Laura borrowed one of our vehicles to drive to Wetaskiwin at midday, and Dirk drove out there later in the afternoon. (Our three vehicles were back home again late in the evening because we wanted to sleep in our own beds and get to church on Sunday morning.)
Merchanting was surprisingly profitable. It was fun hanging out with the grandkids -- Jodi's three boys and Derek's two girls -- and so many friends. The potluck feast went well, I think (I can't be objective about that because it was organized by the Culinary Guild, which also supplied the hot meat dishes). And I went home with another pretty piece of paper!
Coryn's Garb Shop is open for business! |
A daughter and four grandchildren (the one with the hat is not related) |
The A&S (Arts and Sciences) Champion organized a very successful activity |
Laura (my temporary basement dweller) brought her friend Lana to the event |
A pleasant musical interlude |
There were so many children at the event: this really is a family activity! |
And there were merchants…. here Master Deicyn explains the fine features of his crossbow design |
Damon helps Jodi with her armour. Yes, girls are fighters too! |
The beginning of a battle, as seen through the archery net |
At the end of the battle the field is littered with bodies |
This fearsome warrior also entertains the kids with his magic shows |
Finally sitting down to eat. Really, the lights should have been turned down…. |
During court Derek (a.k.a. Hjalti Einarsson) waxes eloquent about the Chicken of Loki |
And a surprise: I received a Gilded Gryphon for my "untiring service" |
Cool pics, mom. I didn't take a single one myself. LOL.